The Dr. 约翰·祖比扎雷塔荣誉课程为优秀学生提供丰富的学术经验.


如果你是一个积极向上的人, 有雄心的学生,愿意接受挑战,参与更深入的学习方式, 那么你应该考虑荣誉. 

Classroom & 课程优势 

  • Unique seminar topics not available in regular classes
  • 优秀教师的教学,他们获得了学院提供的所有教学奖项
  • 小类, 主要为基础, 专注于批判性思维, creativity, 自主学习, 批判性思维, 和反射
  • Demonstration to employers and graduate schools of superior academic achievement

独特的识别 & 机会

  • 荣誉奖章,成绩单上的指定和荣誉文凭证书
  • 机会 to participate in: National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC), 南区荣誉评议会, National Society for Minorities in Honors, and more
  • 在华盛顿特区等地的学期, Prague, Grand Canyon, 纽约市, Wales, 和亚马逊河
  • 海上学期 & Partners in the Parks experiential ventures
  • Special student-designed orientation with City-as-Text™ excursions 




线上澳博的课程已被国内和国际上作为卓越的选择模式. 线上澳博的项目和学生也在首届彼得森荣誉项目指南中得到了推荐. 

  • Three National Honors Student of the Year Awards
  • Four 公园项目的合作伙伴 部分(NCHC和U.S. 国家公园体验)
  • Two 海上学期计划 Selections
  • Numerous global opportunities in Prague, 大峡谷, New York, Amazon/Peru, Paris, Berlin, Belfast, New York, Orlando, Miami, London, and more. 

Honors students have earned research fellowships and internships with 哈佛大学的WorldTeach, Yale School of Medicine Enrichment Program, 安德鲁梅隆基金会在惠顿学院的文学和文化研究暑期学院, Mayo Clinic, Arts and Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Delaware, Red Cross, MUSC’s Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program, 高磁实验室, APA研究所, 杰克逊遗传学实验室, UMC Racial-Ethnic Minority Fellowship Program, 肾元制药, and more.

Honors students have earned graduate, medical, and law degrees from Harvard, Princeton, Rutgers, NYU, Emory, Duke, Virginia, Michigan, Columbia, LSU, MUSC, Wake Forest, Elon, Drew, 纽约艺术学院, Syracuse, Georgetown, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Florida, Ohio State, Temple, 佛罗里达州中部, Maryland, USC, 乔治•华盛顿, Howard, 德州女子, 北卡罗来纳州立大学除其他外. 


Courses & Curriculum


荣誉学生必须修完24个学期的荣誉课程才能毕业. These hours include a senior seminar and an honors project. 



  • 如果学生没有保持3.平均绩点4,他们有一个学期的及格. 他们必须保持3.4 GPA after that in order to take full advantage of all benefits of the program. 他们不需要重新申请.
  • 第一年的第一学期不计入最低GPA要求或作为及格学期.

We have numerous honors students who are athletes, 谁主修辅修双修, and whose disciplinary areas demand heavy credit, internship, practicum, lab, performance, 还有演播室时间.

体育和教育等专业, business, the arts, and the sciences are challenging to juggle with honors or any other commitment, but we have many successful students in all those areas.

Taking as many honors courses as possible early in your progress is a good idea; the Honors Choice is a valuable resource; careful advising is essential—but most of all, 你的动力和决心是可以打破平衡并帮助你获得荣誉的因素.

  • Some classes are already designed to have an honors component. These classes have an (H) next to their course name.
  • Several honors courses are double listed in class schedules. This means that the class has two sections: one regular, one honors. 讲师为参加荣誉课程的学生提供独特的挑战, helping them earn honors credit for the course.
  • If there are no (H) classes that you need to take, then you can consider taking advantage of the Honors Choice.
Are honors courses graded differently than regular courses?

Honors courses use the same grading scale as any regular comparable course. Honors courses are not weighted in any unusual way for calculation of GPA.

What is the difference between honors and regular courses?

The 荣誉项目 motto is Non Magis Sed Melior (“Not More but Better”). 线上澳博所说的“更好”是指为学生提供不同的学习方法,挑战他们更深入地学习, richer modes of learning that involve discussion, research, writing, 协作, application, interdisciplinary integration of knowledge, 批判性反思.

The honors course is not intentionally designed to require more work, 虽然由于学科标准和内容领域的原因,有些课程自然比其他课程更难. However, the priority in honors is to challenge students to be self-directed, curious, motivated, life-long, engaged learners not just ace pupils with high grades.

  • If there are no (H) courses listed for Gen. Ed., your major, 或者其他要求, 然后,你可以选择与教授签订合同,通过不同的和/或额外的工作来加强你的学习,从而在你选择的任何课程上单独获得荣誉学分.
  • The Honors Choice, ordinarily, can be used in up to 3 courses.
  • 荣誉选择合同表格, 设计一份好的合同的技巧, and a variety of models are available online and from the Honors Office.
什么是荣誉研讨会(Hon. 490)?
  • 荣誉研讨会允许一群高级荣誉学生聚在一起讨论, analyze, 并研究一个独特的主题,并提供跨学科学习的机会. 通常,每节课都有自己的主题,贯穿整个学期. Occasionally, study-travel excursions are included.
  • 这是一门荣誉课程.
荣誉项目是什么. 498)?

荣誉项目是一个让学生和导师独立参与的过程, collaborative study and in critical dialogue about detailed work. 作为一个过程, 经过仔细的计划和详细的目标,项目发展成为成品, purposes, 以及评估标准. 这个项目可以赚3-4个学时.

  • 写一份招股说明书,通常要在上学期结束时,也就是学期开始前交. 498. 这使得学生和导师可以就项目的主题进行深思熟虑的磋商, content, due dates, 和评估.
  • Project is due to mentor one month before the end of the semester.
  • 所有的项目都是专业的, with designated cover sheet; signed by student, mentor, and Honors Director; and kept in the project archive. 档案可供查阅.
  • 荣誉项目在毕业前的荣誉奖章颁奖典礼上展示. The presentations are not individual lectures; instead, 学生可分享海报, 在笔记本电脑上显示幻灯片, 创建一个表展示, 使用多媒体方法, or design other creative means of representing their projects.

Can be crosslisted with significant research, writing, creative, or experiential capstone project in a variety of majors; the disciplinary project substitutes for Hon. 并获得荣誉学分.

有关Hon的资料. 498, 招股章程表格, sample prospectuses in a variety of disciplines, 荣誉项目封面, and more are available online and from the Honors Office.

Is graduating with “Latin honors” the same as graduating from the 荣誉项目?

学院在毕业典礼上承认具有“拉丁荣誉”的学生,并仅根据GPA进行指定: 优等生 (3.950-4.000), 优等生 (3.85-3.949), and cum laude (3.75-3.849).

Graduation from the 荣誉项目 is designated as cum honore在毕业典礼上,在成绩单上,并附有一份特殊的文凭证书.


我是一名新的准学生. 我如何申请荣誉课程?

学生通过完成荣誉课程申请申请,其中包括个人联系信息的请求, 高中学历, a well-developed and well-written essay, 还有一份有创意的提交.

线上澳博从整体上考虑应用程序, considering the student’s writing skills, GPA, 修过的高级课程, class rank, test scores, 创意提交, 以及任何预定的面试.

The application is available online or from the Admissions Office. All of the application materials may be returned electronically by email. 典型的截止日期是6月1日,但线上澳博在整个夏季接受滚动申请.


I am a current CC student or transfer candidate. 我如何申请荣誉课程?

The 荣誉项目 welcomes applications from current college students. 符合资格的候选人须具备:

  • a current 3.累计绩点4分;
  • 填写完整的申请表,
  • and request two brief faculty recommendations that can be delivered by email.


Can I transfer any previous honors courses to CC from another 荣誉项目?


Do high school AP/IB/Dual-Credit courses earn college honors credits?

假设要求的分数, 从大学先修课程获得的学分, 国际学士学位, or dual-credit courses are counted by CC toward graduation, but they do not earn honors hours toward completion of the program.

Does the 荣誉项目 offer scholarships?

荣誉学院每年为优秀升学学生提供全额基金奖,并提供一些适度的奖学金, 基于GPA成绩, to top students in each of four years in the program. 招生和经济援助为被录取的新生或转学生提供特殊荣誉奖学金.

除了任何州或外部资助的奖学金项目外,未来的学生还可能获得荣誉奖学金. Learn more about scholarship opportunities, and you can always connect with the Dr. 约翰Zubizarreta荣誉主任,博士. 玛丽·马什 了解更多信息. 

If I discontinue participation in honors, do I lose my college scholarships?

大学奖学金由财政援助管理,通常比荣誉项目的GPA门槛低. You do not automatically lose college scholarships if you leave honors. 然而,如果你离开这个项目,与荣誉项目特别相关的奖学金将被没收.

联络线上澳博: 803.786.3014 或电邮至

Dr. Marlee Marsh


Dr. Marsh热衷于帮助学生在各个学科中充分发挥他们的潜力. 作为一名生物学教授, 她一直致力于帮助学生提高他们的科学写作和主动学习. Many of her recent mentees have received research funding, and all of them have presented projects at state and regional meetings.  



Who is Dr. 约翰Zubizarreta?

Dr. John Zubizaretta—affectionately known as Dr. 从1987年到2021年退休,他担任线上澳博app荣誉项目主任. In 2018, 他获得了全国大学荣誉委员会颁发的山姆·舒曼优秀奖, the Council's highest honor for faculty. In June 2021, 荣誉项目以他的名字命名,以表彰他对项目发展和领导的深刻贡献.